Fiscal Year:
Primary Budget:
Comparison Budget:

   $314,375  and  $50,607;  adult  heart  transplants $207,406 and $41,406;
   adult   liver   $146,606   and  $41,406;  and  intestinal/multi-visceral
   transplants  $690,092  and  $76,677.  The  payments shall be used to pay
   approved  transplant  facilities  global facility and physician fees for
   providing  these  transplant  services  to  Medicaid  beneficiaries. The
   agency  is authorized to seek any federal waiver or state plan amendment
   necessary to implement this provision.

   From  the  funds  in  Specific  Appropriations 204 and 207, the criteria
   for the High Medicaid Provider Adjustor shall be hospitals with Medicaid
   utilization equal to or greater than 50 percent.

   From  the  funds  in  Specific  Appropriation 204, the Agency for Health
   Care  Administration  shall  continue a Diagnosis Related Grouping (DRG)
   reimbursement methodology for hospital inpatient services as directed in
   section 409.905(5)(c), Florida Statutes.

   Base Rate............................................  3,551.33
   Neonates Service Adjustor Severity Level 1 ..........       1.0
   Neonates Service Adjustor Severity Level 2 ..........      1.52
   Neonates Service Adjustor Severity Level 3 ..........     2.310
   Neonates Service Adjustor Severity Level 4 ..........     2.310
   Neonatal, Pediatric, Transplant Pediatric, Mental
    Health and Rehab DRGs:
           Severity Level 1 ............................       1.0
           Severity Level 2 ............................      1.52
           Severity Level 3 ............................     2.310
           Severity Level 4 ............................     2.310
   Normal Newborn DRGs:
           Severity Level 1 ............................     1.419
           Severity Level 2 ............................     1.419
           Severity Level 3 ............................     2.049
           Severity Level 4 ............................     2.363
   Obstetrics DRGs:
           Severity Level 1 ............................     1.419
           Severity Level 2 ............................     1.419
           Severity Level 3 ............................     2.049
           Severity Level 4 ............................     2.363
   Outlier Threshold ...................................   $60,000
   Free Standing Rehabilitation Provider Adjustor ......     3.082
   Rural Provider Adjustor .............................     2.373
   Long Term Acute Care (LTAC) Provider Adjustor .......     2.319
   High Medicaid Provider Adjustor .....................     1.916
   Marginal Cost Percentage  ...........................       60%
   Marginal Cost Percentage for Pediatric Claims
    Severity Levels 3 or 4 .............................       80%
   Marginal Cost Percentage for Neonates Claims
    Severity Levels 3 or 4 .............................       80%
   Marginal Cost Percentage for Transplant Pediatric
    Claims Severity Levels 3 or 4 ......................       80%
   Documentation and Coding Adjustment (per year)....... 1/3 of 1%
   Level I Trauma Add On ...............................       17%
   Level II or Level II and Pediatric Add On ...........       11%
   Pediatric Trauma Add On .............................        4%

   From   the   funds   in  Specific  Appropriations  204,  207,  and  211,
   $37,078,489  from  the  General  Revenue  Fund  and $47,808,161 from the
   Medical  Care  Trust Fund are provided to nonprofit hospitals that as of
   January  1,  2022,  are  separately  licensed  by the state as specialty
   hospitals  providing  comprehensive  acute  care  services  to  children
   pursuant  to  section  395.002(28),  Florida Statutes, as of the date of
   enactment  of this bill into law, and remain so licensed and qualify for
   the  High-Medicaid  DRG  and  EAPG  Policy  Adjustor.  Payments to these
   hospitals  must  be  distributed to qualifying hospitals proportionately
   via  average  per claim (per discharge) amounts through the DRG and EAPG
   payment  method  based  on  each  hospital's  total of Simulated DRG and
   Trauma  Add-On  Payments  plus  Simulated  EAPG payments to the total of
   these  payments  for all qualifying hospitals. Payment of these funds to
   an  individual  qualifying  specialty  hospital  is  contingent  on that
   hospital  entering  into  full  network  contracts  with each applicable
   Medicaid  managed care plan in the state by July 30, 2025, for a term of
   the entire fiscal year at a minimum.

        FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND  . . . . .        6,545,351

   The  funds  in  Specific  Appropriation  205  are provided to the Agency