General Government

Maintaining a safe and healthy environment for residents and visitors provides $1.5 million for hotels and restaurant inspectors within the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. Ensuring the quality of eating and lodging establishments is essential to tourism for the State of Florida as well as the health and wellbeing of residents.

Moving forward in establishing essential business systems provides $22.7 million for the Florida Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management System (FL PALM). This funding provides for the second year of software and system integrator contract, project administration, and 4 additional full-time positions to design, configure and perform vital testing efforts of the new financial management system solution in FY 2019-20. This system is an integral part of the finance and accounting backbone of the state.

Ensuring Transparency within State Government by providing $350,000 for maintaining public viewing capabilities of the Statewide Travel Management System. This system, which is utilized by all state agencies, is a central repository for all travel performed by state employees. The system will allow for public viewing access for all agencies in the 2019-2020 fiscal year.

Maintaining and improving the Florida Facilities Pool is essential for ensuring the state provides safe and efficient working environments for state employees and visitors to state owned buildings. Investing $10.2 million in the Florida Facilities Pool will provide improvement in Life Safety issues, address ADA compliance, and address building deficiencies.